The DreamOptics Showcase

Client - Meta

Date - May, 2023

Tool - Figma

I designed the logo and poster for the Meta Quest DreamOptics Showcase program. The internal team created a dedicated space to serve as a hub on campus for VR Display & Optics demos of both in-market and out-of-market headsets, user experiences, and innovation - including a fascinating gallery of Meta's products showcasing the evolution of VR display and optics over the years. 

Poster - Kaleidoscope view of VR devices.

I wanted a simple design that draws people's focus to the center. The images of kaleidoscope patterns, flowers, and the sun served as inspirations. They evoke feelings of infinite possibilities and a bright future. I rotated the Meta Quest Pro (the latest VR device at the time of this program) 12 times and positioned them around the slogan of the DreamOptics Showcase program. I used the Optimistic Text font for the main text body and Optimistic Display for the program information.

Other proposals - There are 2 versions of my second design, in both light and dark modes. It is inspired by spotlight/searchlight. The program is inviting people to explore current and past VR devices, and inspiring them to innovate and look for new possibilities. Thus, this poster presents a big variety of VR devices across the industry and bring one's attention close to the devices themselves. Again, the color scheme is borrowed from Meta brand gradient.

Logo - its overall shape is inspired by VR headset, since it is a demo program for VR devices. I played with the letter D and O to represent the lens that give a feeling of reflection and work in progress. The color scheme is borrowed from Meta brand gradient, as it is inspired by what can be possible when people use technologies to connect and shape their worlds. The font is Optimistic Display, a font developed and used by Meta branding.

The logo can be used in both white or black backgrounds.

Other proposals - I played with D and O letters to create a logo that have overlap which represents a convex lens. Since the product team that sponsors the event is specialize in optical and display technology, I want to bring in the elements of lens and light.