About Me

Hi, I am Qinghui Ji. I love to create things that delight people. I draw comics, illustrate and make random things. Most recently, I was a data science manager at Meta, leading areas such as the Meta Quest operating system, engagement, emerging market commerce, and account security.

Born and raised in Shanghai, China, I have lived in New York City and Paris. Currently, I reside with my partner and kids in the Bay Area, California. Since 2020, I have been running a weekly comic about my family on IG @offramp_qaa.

In my spare time, I enjoy watching obscure movies (which I track in a spreadsheet), reading old books, and collecting trinkets.

If you are interested in my future projects, life updates, and transition from tech to art, please subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

I designed and built this website using Framer.

我叫季清徽,我爱创作令人开心的东西。我画漫画,做平面设计,有空也会做些自己的小课题。我最近的一份工作是Meta 的数据科学经理,在其9年间负责过VR系统,用户参与度,新兴市场贸易和账户安全等板块。

我在中国上海出生长大,18岁后移居海外。住过纽约,巴黎,现和家人定居于加州湾区。我从2020年开始在 IG 上发表关于我家庭的周漫画 (@offrampq_qaa).




About Me

About Me



For inquiry, please email me at offrampq.info@gmail.com

如需联系我,请写信至 offrampq.info@gmail.com


For inquiry, please email me at offrampq.info@gmail.com

如需联系我,请写信至 offrampq.info@gmail.com